SpreadJS Documentation
GcSpread.Sheets.Calc Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace for the calculation utilities.
AsyncEvaluateContext Represents an evaluate context for async functions.
CalcArray Represents a Calc Array that wraps a source object to be a two-dimensional array.
CalcError Represents an error in calculation.
CalcService Represents a calculation service.
CalcSource Represents a source, usually bound to a sheet; however, you can set up group elements as a source.
CalcSourceModel Represents a calculation source model which is used for storing all formulas and their dependents for one CalcSource.
Errors Represents an Errors object that lists all the supported errors.
EvaluateContext Represents the context for CalcEvaluator, which provides variant queries to get the necessary data.
Evaluator Represents an evaluator that is used for evaluating an expression with the specified context.
missingArgument Represents the missing argument constant.
Parser Represents a parser that is used for parsing a string formula to a CalcExpression and unparsing a CalcExpression to a string.
ParserContext Represents a parser context, which is used for the CalcParser processes.
Reference Represents an area referenced in a spread sheet.
SheetReference Represents a sheet range referenced in a spreadsheet.
CalcValueType Represents the value type that the CalcEngine needed.
RangeReferenceRelative Specifies whether the range reference is relative or absolute.
See Also





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